SHIP Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about the GW Student Health Insurance Plan, our team is here to support you. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. Still don't have an answer for your question? Contact us via email at [email protected]

Enrollment Overview 

Why does the university require students to carry insurance?

Your academic program and or visa status may require that you carry medical insurance.

Health insurance guarantees that you will be able to obtain necessary treatment in the event that you develop a serious illness or injury. Health insurance also guarantees that you will be able to obtain medical preventative services like immunizations, physical exams, well women's exams, etc. when you obtain care from your doctor.

Who is required to have insurance?

All undergraduate, graduate, law, medical, and doctoral students, who are matriculated in a degree-granting on campus program (this includes students on the Foggy Bottom, Mount Vernon, VSTC, and Corcoran campuses), and all international students on a J1 or F1 Visa are required to have health insurance while they study at GW. These students will be automatically charged and enrolled in the GW SHIP and must submit a waiver form if they have another insurance plan that meets the required waiver criteria. If you have other acceptable insurance you must waive by September 12, 2024 University Health Plans.

Do I have to enroll in the GW Student Health Insurance Plan offered through Aetna?

Yes. Students are automatically enrolled in GW SHIP. You may waive GW SHIP provided that your private plan meets university criteria for coverage. You must submit information about your insurance coverage each year.

If you do not wish to receive GW Student Health Insurance Plan coverage, you must opt out each academic year you remain enrolled at GW.

Visit University Health Plans to opt out of the Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.

How do I enroll dependents in the GW Student Health Insurance Plan?

To voluntarily enroll dependents, visit University Health Plans.

Can I enroll in the insurance plan after the enrollment deadline?

A student can enroll in the insurance plan after the enrollment deadline only if a qualifying change of life event occurs.

Who is University Health Plans? What are their roles?

University Health Plans (UHP), a division of Risk Strategies, is a leading benefit brokerage/consulting firm specializing in the design, placement, and service of college and university student health insurance programs. GW partners with UHP to provide Aetna Student Health Insurance to students.

For more information, call University Health Plans at 800-437-6448.

Do I get an insurance card?

Aetna encourages students to print their Aetna medical insurance card via their website or access your digital ID card on the Aetna HealthSM app.

If the university does not require me to have the school’s health insurance, can I still purchase the coverage if I wish (i.e. Continuing Education student, Leave of Absence student)?

Yes, you can enroll into the insurance as a voluntary student during the open enrollment period.

Does GW provide a voluntary dental or vision plan for students?

Yes, students have the option to purchase a voluntary dental or vision plan via UHP’s website.

Who should I contact for updating my personal information such as a mailing address, name, etc.?

The Office of the Registrar should be contacted at 202-994-9000 or via email at [email protected], to update your mailing address, name, etc., as Aetna obtains student demographic information directly from the University. 

International Students

What is GW's insurance requirement?

Students are required to have health insurance that is filed and approved in the U.S. and must be fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This ensures regulatory compliance with Federal and State laws. Typically the only plans that meet the waiver requirements for international students are Embassy- Sponsored Plans, US Employer-Sponsored Plans, or US Health Insurance Marketplace Plans. 

Do plans offered solely to international students meet this requirement?

No. Plans offered solely to international students are not filed and approved in the U.S. These carriers file their policies in other countries, which allow them to bypass regulatory requirements and consumer protections. 

I waived with a plan in the past. Why can't I waive with it again? Has something changed? 

GW's policy has not changed. Students were never allowed to waive with plans that were not filed an approved in the U.S. An audit revealed that a number of students attested that their plans met the waiver criteria, when in fact they did not. 

The carrier indicated that it did meet GW's criteria. 

That representation was false. 

I have already bought an international policy.

Contact the carrier to request a refund. 

Where can I purchase a plan that meets the school's criteria?

Individual plans that are filed and approved are sold at

Coverage & Providers

What does the George Washington Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) cover?

GW SHIP covers:

  • Hospitalization
  • Services received at the Student Health Center: All SHC office visits are covered in full, no deductible or co-pays. Most other charges are also covered in full.
  • Specialty care office visits/referrals, for example a Dermatologist
  • Mental health evaluation and treatment
  • Diagnostic studies, such as X-rays and Lab tests
  • Outpatient therapy/treatments
  • Prescription medications

2024-2025 GW SHIP Plan Details and Benefits Summary (pdf).

What are the coverage periods?

Annual: August 12, 2024 – August 11, 2025

Fall Only: August 12, 2024 – December 31, 2024

Spring Only: January 1, 2025 – August 11, 2025

Summer Only: May 1, 2025 – August 11, 2025

I am covered through private insurance now, but will be in need of coverage during the academic year. How do I proceed?

If a student requires coverage with Aetna after the enrollment period has closed, a student can enroll in SHIP if a qualifying change of life event occurs (i.e., marriage, birth/adoption of a child, termination of coverage from parent’s plan/termination from another insurance provider). 

You may enroll during the academic year within 30 days of a qualifying change of life event. To enroll the dependent(s) of a covered student, please complete the Enrollment Form by visiting University Health Plans.

Please refer to the coverage periods section of the plan benefits and summary document for coverage dates and deadline dates.

Please call University Health Plans at 800-437-6448 for questions regarding enrollment instructions.

I have GW SHIP insurance and my dependent will be in need of coverage during the middle of the plan year. How do I proceed?

Dependent enrollment applications will not be accepted after the enrollment deadline, unless there is a significant life change that directly affects their insurance coverage.

The completed enrollment form and premium must be sent to University Health Plans.

Please call University Health Plans at 800-437-6448 for questions regarding enrollment instructions.

When scheduling an appointment, should I tell the provider's office that I have Aetna?

Yes, please notify your provider’s office that you are insured with Aetna.

What do I do if I am sick and need to go to the hospital?

The Student Health Center is considered your primary care provider under the health insurance and should be your first point of contact in the event of an illness that is non-emergent.

If you are referred outside of campus to an alternate medical facility, you are responsible for payment of any relevant deductible and/or co-pay charges.

In the event of an emergency, call 911.

I will be out of the Washington area. What do I do if I need to see a doctor?

You do not need a referral from the Student Health Center for care outside of the Washington area. Keep in mind that you are responsible for paying your deductible. Treatment by an in-network Aetna Preferred Provider reduces your out-of-pocket costs.

To find a list of participating providers, please visit the Find a Doctor, Hospital or Pharmacy tab located on the Aetna website.

I have enrolled in the GW SHIP and need to see a doctor. What is the next step? Can I visit my own doctor?

For preventative, non-urgent, and nursing appointments, students should call 202-994-5300 option 1 to schedule an appointment.

If you are within 25 miles of the university, you should first seek treatment at the Student Health Center. There is no deductible or co-pay for office visits to the SHC.

If you need additional care outside of the SHC, you will be referred for specialty care. You are responsible for payment of deductible and/or co-pays for care outside the SHC.

My primary care provider is in the area. Do I need a referral to see them?

The Student Health Center is considered your primary care provider under the GW Student Health Insurance plan.

If you seek medical care at another facility, you are responsible for payment of any relevant deductible and/or co-pay charges.

I have my own women's health provider. Do I need a referral to see them?

No, you do not need a referral to see a women's health provider. 

If you seek medical care at another facility, you are responsible for payment of any relevant deductible and/or co-pay charges.

Is Emergency Room care covered? Do I need a referral to the Emergency Room?

Emergency services are covered under the GW SHIP, with a copay of $100 due at the time of service. A referral is not needed for services rendered at the ER.

Does GW SHIP cover treatment for mental health and substance abuse?

Yes, both treatment for mental health and substance abuse services are covered under SHIP and a referral is not needed.

Where can I access a listing of in-network providers and facilities?

To find a list of providers in-network with Aetna, please visit the Aetna website.

Am I covered for medical treatment while studying or traveling abroad?

Yes, no matter where you travel as a student, you are covered under GW SHIP worldwide 24 hours a day, under the Worldwide Medical Information and Assistance portion of the plan. Please visit On Call International Travel Assistance or call 1-866-525-1956 for more information.

Does my health insurance plan cover pregnancy?

Yes, the plan covers maternity and prenatal care services. Deductibles may apply to non-preventative care services. 

What happens if I drop out of school while I am enrolled in your insurance plan? Will you refund my money? Will I still be covered?

If you withdraw from classes under a school-approved Leave of Absence before your program’s add/drop date deadline, your coverage will remain in force through the end of the period for which payment has been received and no premiums will be refunded.

Other than leave of absence: If you withdraw before your program’s add/drop date deadline, from classes for any reason other than a school-approved leave of absence, you will be considered ineligible for coverage, your coverage will be terminated retroactively, and any premiums collected will be refunded.

If the withdrawal is after your program’s add/drop deadline, your coverage will remain in force through the end of the period for which payment has been received and no premiums will be refunded.

If you withdraw from classes to enter the armed forces of any country, coverage will terminate as of the effective date of such entry and a pro rata refund of premiums will be made if you submit a written request within 90 days of withdrawal from classes.

Who should I contact with questions regarding health insurance coverage and benefits?

Coverage and benefit information can be found on the Aetna website, calling Aetna directly at 1-800-213-0579.

For assistance with enrollment, please call University Health Plans at 800-437-6448

You may also email [email protected].

Fees & Costs